Friday, 25 September 2015

15 of most amazing contortionists ever

15 of most amazing contortionists ever

today we are going to look at 15 of the most amazing people made of rubber with no bones. they can squeeze, turn or rotate, like you and I will never be able to do.

15. just in case you do not understand the picture, she i holding herself by biting onto something. good bones, good teeth, limbs are optional to support oneself for some people

14. if you have skills, you can feed yourself with your feet from above. just like a small crane. for doing that, you have to clean between your tows every time, you do not want junk in your food.

13. can't figure out, which are the legs and which are the hands, if she is laying on her belly or on her back. outstanding!

12. shooting with a bow and arrow can be done with the legs. if she hits the target she could probably use also a machine gun. imagine how wars will be different on the planet if all soldiers would do that.
casualty rates will drop

11. i think i would hire someone like her on my next birthday party just to stand on a coffee table for the entire duration of the event. awesome decoration, don't you think?

10. not really contortion here people, but this guy is playing with his belly until there is no belly. he probably can flex his stomach inside to rattle the food.

9. it took me few seconds to think about this man, he could actually do his hair with the power of his fart. awesome.

8. this guy does not need a lot of surface to rest, i believe he can relax on really small table. putting the joke aside, he is just awesome.

7. she can really stage from between the knees and that is a skill very useful on a day to day basis. you have to be amazed because she could take a dump on her own head, you you can't.

6. so let me explain you thins picture because you do not understand maybe. 2 guys, pretending to be a metal chain. one ring on the floor, one ring in the air. pretty awesome

5. this young dude's face does not match his body, whatever that is. this is just wow. the guy can stare next to his hip.

4. flexible jaguar lady, ready to impress people. I am wondering with so much flexibility, would she study her lady parts from close? would you? i hardly can see and grab my man parts, not even talking about seeing them up close.

3. this guys is in a box together with his basketball. not sure if the ball is useful, but with this skill you can post yourself to your own PO BOX to save the airfare.

2.  this scary lady can play the spider. and that my friends can go be very scary. i think she means to be a snake though.

1. this image is number one as it makes me think that the lady parts are so much elevated, i blows my mind to figure out where are the bones in her body. I might not be an experts, but this looks weird.

question for next time, if this lade would make pee pee where would it land. on her head, or in front. leave your assumptions down below.

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