Today I will present 12 of the funniest but useless
inventions of all times. There are hundreds out there, but after a time of
research and evaluations, this is my final selection. I have carefully chosen
the funniest and weirdest collection of time wasters creations, but with
entertainment value rather that real use.
No 12, the chin support.
If you have trouble commuting with public transport, this
might come in handy. I am not sure how practical it is, but definitely there is
some thought to it. It is available only in Japan, as in any other country it
will look ridiculous.
No.11, the lipstick assistant.
If you are a women and you have a serious motor disability
or just not skilled or strong enough to keep a lipstick on your face, this
might help you to enhance your appearance, as definitely you might need it for
blending in with normal people.
No. 10, the steering wheel tray.
This invention is not short of creativity for people driving
long distances, in straight line and in countries without any traffic offences.
You can use the tray to eat your lunch, play games on a computer or even
arrange your toys by colour if you are really bored driving and you do not
steer at all.
No. 9, the butter stick.
Even if this invention might attract a percentage of people
buying it at least once, I do not believe this is a completely useless
invention, as it might actually serve the purpose of spreading butter on a
piece of bread. However I cannot picture on the shelves of the supermarkets.
No.8, the dog sack.
Definitely the result of people with imagination, this idea
serves the purposed fo the dog transport. Someone actually thought about
marketing this as a serious product for people with pets. I would like to see a
dog outside the car on a freeway with the tongue sticking out. The dog might
actually enjoy this.
No.7, the pet but covers.
This picture is a proof that there are people with serious
issues out there. Probably this is for someone not fit enough to accept the
appearance of an animal anus.
No.6, the noodle cooling fan.
One cannot dismiss this invention, as it is creative and
intriguing. Obviously this is for someone very passionate about noodles and
having trouble waiting for the food to cool down a little bit, but fit enough
for a work out and willing to depend on batteries.
No.5, subway sleeping guard.
Another variation of a product for Japan, for people
commuting. This invention is limited only for people catching a seat with a
window behind, but think about the fact they can make money sleeping by selling
advertising space on their helmet.
No 4. The DVD rewinder.
This invention is designed with the clear intention of a
useless invention. If all the others ideas presented so far attempt to solve a
problem, this one is from the beginning destined to fail, or just to get some
attention for the sake of getting attention. I hope I do not have to explain
that DVD do not rewind, which I just did.
No.3, full body umbrella.
This umbrella will protect you from heavy rain from top to
bottom. It is designed for people waiting at the bus station and not moving,
but the idea is valid. Too bad that people have to walk sometimes.
No.2, the flatulent deodorizer.
I have to give this one credit for the intent. This can be
used as a gift for people who are having flatulent issues in public to send a
clear message that one needs to be fit for society before farting uncontrolled
in the presence of others.
I great gift idea! Where do I buy one?
no 1 – flexible head hammer
this is a metal spring with a hammer head which you will
never be able to use other than hurting yourself. This is by far the best
concept of an useless product that defeats its own purpose, not even remotely
trying to solve the problem in the first place.
I hope you enjoyed this count down and please let me know if
you know other
Great useless products, as I would love to create few other
episodes about this fascinating world of either naivety or designed intent.
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